Kelly Cooper

Grant Strategy and Writing Tips

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Resourcing grant RFPs (request for proposals), potential partners, and assessing for fit Planning budgets and reviewing compliance Writing draft application Reviewing, editing, and submitting an application Please bring a snack to share.

RSVP Now Free 7 spots left

Grants – Q&A + Mentoring (Virtual)

Virtual via Zoom 2620 Gray Hawk Way, CA, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Agenda: Your questions, strategy, and ideas Fine tuning budgets Bringing in Partners CDFA, USDA, etc. Q&A This meeting will take place virtually on Zoom. Kelly will email Zoom details two weeks prior.

RSVP Now Free 10 spots left

CA Specialty Crops and Value-added Products

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Zones, soil, amendments Specialty crop costs, markets, trends Companion planting, layering, succession, rotation Costing, selling, and creating value-add products: canning, cooking, etc. Please bring a snack to share.

RSVP Now Free 10 spots left

Pest Paradise: Regenerative Ag Experiments

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Pest challenges and experiments to mitigate Transition to organic solutions, introduction to biologicals Practice applying neem oil, diatomaceous earth, copper, etc. Please bring a snack to share.

RSVP Now Free 14 spots left

Kids Gardening Workshop in June

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Organic growing - soil, weather, pests Planting seeds, plugs, and plants Weeding, watering, and waiting Hands-on mini-garden to take home $10.00 is for take home supplies and snacks.

Get Tickets Free – $10.00 12 tickets left

Grant Strategy and Writing Tips

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Resourcing grant RFPs (request for proposals), potential partners, and assessing for fit Planning budgets and reviewing compliance Writing draft application Reviewing, editing, and submitting an application Please bring a snack to share.

RSVP Now Free 8 spots left

Sweet Canning Day: Fruits, Jellies, and Jams

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda:  Pick berries and fruit (supplement with purchased depending on availability) Prepare and can Discuss safety with recipe selection, water bath and pressure canning options Discuss cottage industry paperwork, value-add options, markets, canning compliance regulations, and pricing $15 supplies and snacks fee. Maximum of 6 attendees. Tickets: You may purchase securely via Stripe OR RSVP: […]

Get Tickets Free – $15.00 3 tickets left

Grants – Q&A + Mentoring (Virtual)

Virtual via Zoom 2620 Gray Hawk Way, CA, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Agenda: Your questions, strategy, and ideas Fine tuning submissions Managing compliance and reporting CDFA, USDA, etc. Q&A This meeting will take place virtually on Zoom. Kelly will email Zoom details two weeks prior.

RSVP Now Free 10 spots left

Kids Gardening Workshop in August

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Regenerative agriculture growing methods and garden maintenance Picking, washing, packaging Companion planting, succession planting Hands-on mini-garden to take home $10.00 is for take home supplies and snacks.

Get Tickets Free – $10.00 12 tickets left

Savory Canning Day: Tomato Sauces

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Taught by Erin-Leigh Dake, Master Canner Pick and roast tomatoes Discuss safety with recipe selection and pressure canning vegetables Prepare and can Discuss safety with recipe selection and pressure canning Discuss value-add options, markets, canning compliance regulations, and pricing $15 supplies and snacks fee. Maximum of 6 attendees. Tickets: You may purchase securely via […]

Get Tickets Free – $15.00 4 tickets left

Peppers: Roasting, Canning, Drying

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Pick and roast peppers Practice drying methods Prepare and can hot sauce Discuss safety with recipe selection and pressure canning Discuss value-add options, markets, canning compliance regulations, and pricing $15 supplies and snacks fee. Maximum of 6 attendees. Tickets: You may purchase securely via Stripe OR RSVP: You reserve a spot and will pay […]

Get Tickets Free – $15.00 6 tickets left

Tomatillos: Canning and more

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Taught by Erin-Leigh Dake, Master Canner Pick and prepare Cook and can sauces Discuss safety with recipe selection and pressure canning Discuss value-add options, markets, canning compliance regulations, and pricing $15 supplies and snacks fee. Maximum of 6 attendees. Tickets: You may purchase securely via Stripe OR RSVP: You reserve a spot and will […]

Get Tickets Free – $15.00 6 tickets left