Regenerative Ag Workshop

Pollinator Hedgerow Planting Day

Soloro 6447 Webster Road, Creston, CA, United States

Agenda: Discuss hedgerow design: location, layout, plant selection, irrigation system Review ecosystem services of a hedgerow and beneficial organism highlighting the importance of diversity Hands-on activity: layout plants to design specs, plant, water, mulch Tickets: You may purchase securely via Stripe OR RSVP: You reserve a spot and will pay at the workshop.

Get Tickets Free – $35.00 28 tickets left

Spring Garden Prep

Soloro 6447 Webster Road, Creston, CA, United States

Agenda: Discuss cover crop management practices Compare direct seeding versus planting from starts Soil assessment and preparation: soil testing, amendments, and compost Hands-on activity: prepare, plant, and irrigate an early spring bed Tickets: You may purchase securely via Stripe OR RSVP: You reserve a spot and will pay at the workshop.

Get Tickets Free – $35.00 30 tickets left

CA Specialty Crops and Value-added Products

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Zones, soil, amendments Specialty crop costs, markets, trends Companion planting, layering, succession, rotation Costing, selling, and creating value-add products: canning, cooking, etc. Please bring a snack to share.

RSVP Now Free 10 spots left

Irrigation Deep Dive

Soloro 6447 Webster Road, Creston, CA, United States

Agenda: Discuss irrigation methods and advantages Overview of water saving techniques and smart timers Timers, valves, PVC pipes, drip ines, emitters, drip tape Hands-on activity: Install a valve, timer, and surface irrigation Tickets: You may purchase securely via Stripe OR RSVP: You reserve a spot and will pay at the workshop.

Get Tickets Free – $35.00 30 tickets left

Pest Paradise: Regenerative Ag Experiments

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Pest challenges and experiments to mitigate Transition to organic solutions, introduction to biologicals Practice applying neem oil, diatomaceous earth, copper, etc. Please bring a snack to share.

RSVP Now Free 14 spots left

Kids Gardening Workshop in June

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Organic growing - soil, weather, pests Planting seeds, plugs, and plants Weeding, watering, and waiting Hands-on mini-garden to take home $10.00 is for take home supplies and snacks.

Get Tickets Free – $10.00 12 tickets left

Kids Gardening Workshop in August

Open Source Ag 2620 Gray Hawk Way, San Miguel, CA, United States

Agenda: Regenerative agriculture growing methods and garden maintenance Picking, washing, packaging Companion planting, succession planting Hands-on mini-garden to take home $10.00 is for take home supplies and snacks.

Get Tickets Free – $10.00 12 tickets left

Fall Harvest Celebration

Soloro 6447 Webster Road, Creston, CA, United States

Agenda: Discuss harvest methods, what to do with surplus, seed saving Discuss garden cleanup and prep Hands-on activity: harvest, food prep, garden dinner and celebration RSVP and additional information on the potluck will be emailed in September.

RSVP Now Free 32 spots left